【 キャプテンEO 】
・・・ part.3 : 付 記 (脚本) ・・・

キャプテンEO記   EO検証   上映続行   Good-bye Captain   さよなら… キャプテンEO
【 付 記 】  データ関連   脚本   絵コンテ     【 おまけ 】  (裏?)航海日誌
【 その後 】  キャプテンEO、ご帰還

【 脚 本 】
SCRIPT(原文)     日本語字幕スーパー




The Cosmos, a universe of good and evil,
where a small group struggles to bring freedom to the countless worlds of despair.
A Rag-Tag Band, led by the infamous Captain EO.
善と悪の渦巻く宇宙 ―
隊長は あのキャプテンEOである!

Ody: This planet doesn't look so dangerous, Idy.
Idy: Is this it, Ody ?
Ody: We'll see.
Idy: Ohh...
Ody: We better find that landing beacon.
Idy: Hey, Hooter, we're almost there !
Hooter: <寝床から降り、長い鼻を鳴らす> Oh, boy !
Major Domo: Don't get too close or you'll trip their intrusionalarm.
Hooter: Yeah, don't blow it you guys.
Ody: Relax, there's no problem.
Idy: No problem. <警報が鳴り響く> INTRUSION ALERT !!!
Ody: Battle alert !
Idy: Battle alert !!
Major Domo: Don't panic ! That's what got us into trouble the last time.
Ody: It wasn't our fault. It was Hooter's fault.
Idy: Right, Hooter's fault.
<フーターがイディとオディに鼻から息を吹きつける> (館内の観客にもしぶきがかかる)
Idy: Oh, Hooter !
Major Domo: Straighten up men. It's the Captain.
Minor Domo: Good morning, Captain.
Major Domo: It looks like we tripped their intrusion alarm, sir.
Hooter: Idy and Ody blew it. They got too close.
Captain EO We're goin' in.
Major Domo: Sir, the ship is in absolutely no condition to go into battle.
I thought we'd begin by cleaning up Hooter's bunk.
<フーターがキャビンの向こう側へ缶を投げ捨てる> (3-D効果で観客の方へ缶が飛んでくる)
Captain EO Hooter !!
…Listen ! The Command considers us a bunch of losers.
But we're gonna do it right this time, 'cause we're the best.
We don't we'll be drummed out of the corps.
Major Domo: We won't let you down this time, sir.
Ody: We're going to do it right.
Idy: That's right, we'll be perfect, sir.
Captain EO OK. <笑ってからキリッとフーターに敬礼を返す>

Idy: Captain, there's something weird out there.
Ody: A patrol ship.
Captain EO I thought so. Maybe we can outrun him.
Idy: It's going to ram us !
Ody: Duck !
Captain EO <操縦桿をつかむ> Get to your stations !
Captain EO Hold on, everybody, hold on !!!
Major Domo: We haven't found the landing beacon yet.
Captain EO Somebody get the map. Where's the map ?!
Idy: Who's got the map ?
Ody: Fuzzball !
Fuzzball: Hooter has it.
Major Domo: Hooter has it !
Captain EO Hooter !!
Hooter: I think I ate it !
Idy & Ody: You ate it ?!

Commander Bog: Captain EO ! You down there, EO ?!
Captain EO Commander Bog …
Commander Bog: Captain EO, you are late reporting in. Are you having a problem finding our landing beacon ?
Captain EO No, sir. Everything's under control, sir !
Commander Bog: What's going on ?
Captain EO We're having a slight thruster malfunction, sir !
Commander Bog: Captain EO, have you engaged in combat - against orders ?!
Commander Bog: I can't see !
Captain EO, what's going on ?
Captain EO Ho-ho, woo !! <ウケる>
Idy: Going through.
Ody: No ! Idy, the sail's not in.
Captain EO Hooter, bring in the sail !
Hooter: OK.
Captain EO It's right behind you, Hooter.
Hooter: I can't reach it.
Commander Bog: What's going on ?
<フーターがバック司令官に投げつけた "ドロドロ" が少しずつ流れ落ちていく>
Captain EO Somebody push the red button.
Major Domo: Push your trunk, Hooter.
Idy: Come on, Hooter. Stretch !

Captain EO Woo !!!
Ody: We're losing power.
Captain EO Everybody hold on !!!
<船が地面に突っ込む> (館内にもスモークが出る)


Major Domo: Captain EO ? …Captain EO ?!
Ody: I think we found the beacon. Captain EO, take a look at this.
Captain EO The homing beacon. We ran right into it !! They all cheer.
Commander Bog !! <スクリーンの方へ駆け寄る>
Commander Bog: Captain EO ?
Captain EO Everything's OK, sir. <自慢げに>
Major Domo: Right on time.
Captain EO And we've reached the homing beacon, sir.
Commander Bog: Well, so far, so good, Captain EO. But, I must admit that I am a bit surprised after the mess you made of your last mission. But now that you've found the beacon, take the map, find the Supreme Leader and give her the gift.
You do have the map, don't you ?
Ody: No problem.
Idy: No problem, sir.
Hooter: Right here.
Commander Bog: Then get going ! <ホログラフィーが消える>

Hooter: Boy, do we have a problem.
Ody: We'll never find the supreme leader without a map.
Captain EO <ささやき声で> Come on.
<最高指導者のいる場所を求め歩き出すが、あたり一面は煙やクズ鉄で覆い尽くされていて視界が悪い> (ファズボールは館内の観客の前を飛び回る)
Hooter: I couldn't help it.
Captain EO Quiet.
Captain EO Hooter …
Hooter: I'm disguising myself.
Captain EO Ha, ha.
Hooter, listen. Put it back and let's go.

Captain EO <笑って> Don't be silly.
Hooter: Gotta have a disguise.
Idy & Ody: Shh !
Hooter: Sorry …
Guard: Get them !

Idy: Who is it ?
Major Domo: The Supreme Leader.
Hooter: Hey, I told you I'd find her.
Supreme Leader: Silence … !
Infidel … !
You infect my world with your presence.
Turn the others into … trash cans !
<女王は その長く鋭い爪を、館内の観客たちを掻きむしるようにかざしてみせる>
Hooter: See you later trash can ! <駆け出すのをメジャー・ドモが止める>
Supreme Leader: And for him ! 100 years of torture in my deepest dungeon.
Captain EO <毅然として> Your highness, my loyal companions and I accept these punishments.
Hooter: We do ?
Idy: Of course we do, he's our captain.
Hooter: I speak for myself. <縛られた鼻からかすかに鳴き声を漏らす>
Captain EO We have come here uninvited and unannounced.
Supreme Leader: So, then we both admit to your … stupidity !
Why have you come ?
Captain EO To bring a gift, your highness. To someone as beautiful as you.
Supreme Leader: You think me … beautiful ?
Captain EO Very beautiful within, your highness, but without akey to unlock it.
And that is my gift to you.
Supreme Leader: So …
Let me see this gift !
Captain EO Not only see, your highness,
but hear !
  蹴るように放り上げたメジャー・ドモの左足は ファズボールの為のギターへと化し、残りの身体は イディ&オディの為のドラムセットに変化する>
Captain EO Hooter, hurry up !  <マントを外し、床に放り投げる>
Idy: Come on, Hooter.
Ody: Over here.
Idy & Ody: No …
Supreme Leader: Send in my troops !
Hooter: I got it, I got it ! <キーボードを立て直す>
Captain EO Hooter !! Hurry up and fix it, Hooter !!
<衛兵たちは押し込む警棒のような武器でEOを攻める> (3-D効果により観客もEO目線を疑似体験)
Supreme Leader: Send him to my dungeon !
Captain EO Hooter !!
Hooter: <火花の飛び散る2本のワイヤーを繋ぐ> I got it !
Supreme Leader: Get him !

Captain EO Woo !!!

Captain EO ♪ We're on a mission in the everlasting light thatshines
A revelation of the truth and chapters of our minds
Synthesized Vo.: ♪ So long, bad times
Captain EO ♪ We're gonna shake it up and break it up. We're sharing light brighter than the sun
Fuzzball: ♪ Hello good times
Captain EO ♪ We're here to stimulate, eliminate, and congregate, illuminate
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ Gonna change the world, Heee !
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world !
Captain EO ♪ Gonna change the world. Ooooh !
Captain EO ♪ So do surrender 'cause my power's deep inside my soul.
Sing it !
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ Heee !
Gonna change the world. Hey, yeah !
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ Gonna change the world. Ooooh !
Supreme Leader: My whip warriors !
Supreme Leader: Destroy him ! Ha ha ha.
Fuzzball: EO ! <たまらず飛び出す>
Idy & Ody: Fuzzball !
<ファズボールが兵士たちの背後へ飛び、ムチ同士の端を手早く結びつける。それに気づかない兵士2人はEOを打とうとした瞬間 お互いの身体をもつれさせる。

Hooter: Let's go !!
<ムチ兵士だったダンサー2人を従え再び女王へ歩を進めながら 支柱1本1本に囚われていた人々を誘出し、さらに多くのダンサーを生み出してゆくEOは、ムーンウォークも交えながら踊り歌い続ける>
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ We're gonna change the world, girl
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ My brothers !
My brothers ! We're gonna change the world
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ Heee ! 
Deep down in my body, deep down in my soul, baby
Dancers: ♪ We are here to change the world
Captain EO ♪ Gonna change the world. Ooooh !!
  差し込む陽光と EOの放つパワーとで、あたり一面は輝きに満ち溢れる>
Captain EO Ooooh !
Captain EO ♪ We're sending out a major love and this is our message to you
The planets are linin' up we're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line waitin' for you Can't you see ?
You're just another part of me
Hee-hee Ooooh !
Another part of me...

<ファズボールは、みんなからひとり離れて館内の観客たちに別れを告げに いったん戻って来る>
Fuzzball: Bye-bye.
Captain EO ♪ We're takin' over we have the truth this is our mission to see it through
Don't point your finger not dangerous this is our planet you're one of us...
Captain EO ♪ We're sending out a major love and this is our message to you
The planets are linin' up we're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line waitin' for you Can't you see ?
You're just another part of me
Hee-hee ! Ooooh !



 ( 最低限の状況説明のみ < > で記載 )

善と悪の渦巻く宇宙 ―
隊長は あのキャプテンEOである!

オディ: この星は危なくなさそうだぜ
アイディ: そうかな オディ?
オディ: 平気さ アイディ
オディ: 着陸地点を捜さなきゃ
アイディ: フーター もうすぐだ
メジャードモ: 侵入警報に気をつけろ
フーター: ドジ踏むなよ
アイディ: 侵入警報!
オディ: 戦闘準備!
メジャードモ: 落ち着け!
メジャードモ: 気をつけ! キャプテンだ
メジャードモ: 侵入警報に引掛かったようだ
キャプテンEO このまま行く
メジャードモ: 今 戦うのは無理です それよりフーターの部屋の掃除が先かと
キャプテンEO いいかみんな 今度こそはきちんとキメるぞ
メジャードモ: ご期待にそいます
アイディ: キャプテン 変なものが…
オディ: パトロール艇だ!
キャプテンEO 来たぞ まくんだ
アイディ: 撃つ気だ
キャプテンEO 地図はどこだ?
アイディ: 誰が持ってる?
ファズボール: メジャードモだ
メジャードモ: フーターだ
フーター: 食べちゃった
アイディ&オディ: 食べた?
キャプテンEO 司令官…
司令官: 報告が遅い 着陸地点が分らないのか?
キャプテンEO いいえ 全て順調です
司令官: 戦闘態勢に入っているのか!?
アイディ: 行くぞ
オディ: だめだ! セイルが出たままだ
キャプテンEO 早くしまえ!
フーター: 届かない
キャプテンEO 誰かボタンを押せ
メジャードモ: 鼻を使え
オディ: パワーが落ちてる
<船が地面に突っ込み暗転。 起きてみると、捜していた着陸地点を示す誘導灯が偶然すぐそこに>
オディ: あれ誘導灯だろ?
キャプテンEO ツイてる!
キャプテンEO 無事 着陸しました
司令官: 前回のデタラメ振りと比べたら まあまあだな
次は地図を見て 最高指導者に贈り物を渡すんだ
オディ達: 大丈夫です ちゃんとここに
司令官: では行け!
フーター: どうしょう 大丈夫じゃないよ
オディ: 最高指導者なんて見つかりっこないよ
フーター: 変装するんだ
キャプテンEO 元に戻すんだ
キャプテンEO バカなことやってないで
フーター: やっぱり警戒しなきゃ
アイディ: あれ誰?
メジャードモ: 最高指導者だ
女王: 黙れ!
よくもわたしの世界を 汚してくれたな!
キャプテンEO 女王陛下 仰せに従います
キャプテンEO 招かれないのにやって来ました
女王: なぜここに来た?
キャプテンEO 美しいあなたに 贈り物を届けるためです
女王: 美しいだって?
キャプテンEO とても美しい でも今は… 重い扉で閉ざされています
女王: お見せ
キャプテンEO 見るだけでなく お聞きください

▲ part.2 へ ▲
▼ part.4 へ ▼

UPDATE - last '11.11.2 / 1st '07.3.12